If you’re not acquainted with the complete truth, here’s a straightforward historical overview to provide clarity for you. The Palestinian resistance movement is actively addressing a range of longstanding issues. This includes safeguarding Al-Aqsa mosque and advocating for Palestinian rights, underscoring their unwavering determination and dedication to justice.
The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine isn’t a battle between two recognized states. Therefore, the Palestinian resistance’s actions aren’t a formal declaration of war, but rather a response to a series of violations that have persisted for over 70 years.
- Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), an Arab, liberated Jerusalem in 637.
- Sultan Salahudeen al-Ayyubi, a Kurd, liberated Jerusalem in 1187.
- The Ottoman Turks were the final civilization to defend Jerusalem in 1917.
- The Bengali pilot, Saiful Azam, was the lone pilot to shoot down four Israeli fighter jets in the 1967 war.
The Muslim community is united in its stance against the occupation of Masjid Al-Aqsa and Palestine.