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Strategic Digital Social Media Content Marketing Influencer Tools To Grow Your Audience Spread

Social media is changing rapidly, and there’s plenty of information out there about it. But there didn’t seem to be one resource we could point people toward basics of social media content marketing. We wrote this guide for everyone, from all-hands-on-deck small business workers to experienced digital managers in need of inspiration.

Content marketing is very hot these days and changing by the week! In content marketing, companies don’t hard sell their services or products, however, they demonstrate themselves as very good consultants, which can be termed strategic marketing.

Step 1: Your Social Media Strategy and Content Marketing

See yourself as an artist and discover renewable ways to create good work for the sake of others. The strategy begins first, by establishing foundation concepts by identifying the core values of a project.

Solving customers’ problems while answering their problems and portraying themselves as the market leader eventually shows that you can solve customers’ problems.

With social media, it can be tempting to pile straight into the latest tools or do things simply because your peers have suddenly started using Snapchat.

Taking the time to set your social media strategy at the beginning can dramatically improve your outcomes. It’s easy to get busy on social media, but being effective? That takes a little bit of planning.

It is important to be creative on a social media platform for whatever purpose you are active online. Having a clear idea in your mind of what you hope to get out of your experience on social media will help drive how you build and use your social media presence.

Strategic Marketing

You are a business looking to develop a niche? You are a business trying to deliver total value and total quality and guarantee customer satisfaction? How to think competitively to become a leader in your market should be part of your strategic marketing. The way you prioritize resources, the way you allocate resources, and the type of people you hire into your company is part of leadership strategy which has all sorts of implications for your business organization.

Do these things:

  1. Go through your business plan.
  2. Question how can social media help achieve your goals? You want to INFORM customers about upcoming deals.
  3. Understand the key challenges and opportunities your business must manage, and how social media can help. You want to build an engaged community online.
  4. Set clear goals and know how you will evaluate them regularly. You want to generate leads for traffic to your website.

Market Leadership and Strategic Marketing:

Three strategic marketing principles have to be true and you have to believe in them in order for you to attain market leadership.

1. Know Your Market

The first one is; that you have to know your markets. Most businesses are now in a customer-focused market. Customer-focused marketing is very competitive. There’s a lot of competition out there and the only way they’re going to win in their marketplace is to focus on the customer. We are going to assume that we know what our customers want.

According to the principle of differentiation, you know how your competitors are likely to react. You’re trying to find a way to provide customer value, better than the competition. The only way you can really deliver this is to know your market. You can’t just guess. You have to do market research and you have to really understand what your customers want and how your competition’s likely to react.

2. Customers have the final say

The second principle is that customers have the final say. What that means is the customers are going to choose what they want. Customers go through this decision process. They look at all the data and all the values and all the attributes and all the products in the market. And, there’s so much information out there. That they can’t consider everything. And, so what they do is they kind of chunk a bunch of different things together into kind of three bundles: Operational Excellence, Performance Superiority, and Customer Intimacy.

Three bundles of strategic marketing:
a. Operational Excellence:

One is all sorts of operations factors. This includes price and cost. But delivery, service, and reliability are also considered operational things. So for example if you are an operational company and that’s what you want to be your leadership strategy, that tends to be a very hierarchical strategy that, with the allocation of resources prioritized to information technology et cetera.

b. Performance Superiority:

The other bundle is product features or designs, so product attributes style, innovation, and technology are put in another bundle. Customers are going to go for the very best design that they like the most. If you are a performance superiority company, that tends to be more of a Research and Development company. You tend to hire the kinds of people that are. Very innovative people who don’t like structure. There is evidently resistance to a top-down organization, you really need to give them a lot of free reign.

c. Customer Intimacy:

The third bundle is whether or not it meets my needs, so is it customized to meet my needs? Customers are going to go for something that meets their needs the best, as long as the product delivers satisfactorily or is good enough on the other two dimensions. In order to develop a strategic marketing paradigm around customer intimacy, you really have to focus on prioritizing market research, and customer knowledge, and you kind of have a consulting, a yes culture. And You have to let the customer come first.

The customers have the final say says, is that customers look at these three, they kind of classify the products into these three bundles, and they kind of give them a score in each one of these three dimensions. And then they decide which one of those dimensions is the most important to them and they pick the product that’s the best on one of those dimensions and good enough on the other two.

But if you think about it, it kind of approximates the way customers make decisions. It suggests that if you want to be the first in the markets that you serve. You better be the best at something and good enough at the other two things. You think about a short-term strategy, and a long-term strategy and you figure out What should you be doing right now in order to beat the competition? And what you’re ultimately looking for in a long-term strategy is to be the best at one dimension and good enough on the other two. That’s the long-term strategy.

3. Fair value

On the vertical axis, relative costs to the customer. On the horizontal axis, relative benefits. If you offer more benefits, customers are willing to pay a higher price. If you charge a lower price, customers will expect fewer benefits, as long as what you offer appears to be fair. So in the short term, you might be looking to hit fair value in operations, but in the long term, you’re looking to be the leader in customer intimacy.

Moreover, fair value is constantly changing over time as a function of competitive reaction. If you offer something inferior and it’s not fair value, then customers won’t buy that. You won’t make it in the market. The framework suggests that you need to offer fair value on two of those bundles, but offer something better than fair value on one of the bundles. So if you can imagine a marketplace where everybody is trying to deliver fair value and somebody is delivering innovation of superior value. Think about what’s going to happen in that marketplace, in a very competitive market.

Everybody tries to copy and mitigate the advantage. So what happens is what’s perceived to be fair value, that fair value line is not a static line. It’s constantly moving up, moving to the lower right as the market gets more and more competitive. Sometimes people think about fair values, the average of what everybody offers. Sometimes fair value is what nobody offers. Sometimes, everybody’s above fair value.

Once you figure out where your value is, on these, the next part is to plot, where your company is delivering, on each of these axes relative to fair value. Are you above fair value in operations? Are you meeting fair value or below fair value on each one of these axes? Then you figure out where your competition is on each one of these axes and then you start playing the strategic marketing game.

Step 2: Putting Social into action and Content Marketing

You’ve developed your social media strategy, now it’s time to put it into action! Defining your brand’s identity on social media platforms is an important way to tie your social media into your marketing and brand strategy. It may be your Logos, photos, description, and business information.

Do these things:

  1. Create a system for sourcing content and get buy-in for it from your colleagues
  2. Do schedule content, but make sure you pop into your social media channels several times a day to respond to your audience
  3. Use your analytics tools to learn on the go about what content works for your audience

Step 3: Grow your Social Network and Content Marketing

It is worth being on the right social media and being updated. In the new selfie age, it is easy to focus on the latest snazzy social tools and forget that the likes of Facebook were originally referred to as social networks. They are a place to connect with other individuals and for businesses, this offers a wonderful opportunity to engage with stakeholders, supporters, and community users.

To be on a variety of social media platforms is great but it is important to choose the right platform for your business. To manage regularly updated information and content posts will help you with regular engagements, just like Instagram is a perfect example for makeup, artist, and photographs.

Publishing the right content at the right time will help you to engage your customers and followers. “It’s being in the right place at the right time and take the advantage of your opportunities.”

There are several types of content you can publish on social media sites, but essentially it is important which blogs, posts, and testimonials to be published that create your business. Should be a balance between building relevant content and providing feedback to your fanbase.

Partner with friend bloggers. Learn from their perspectives. A similar values set means an aligned vision. It assures you’ll be working toward the same goals: money, impact, lifestyle, or something else you agree on. Get aligned early and check in on these values often to make sure you’re still in step with one another.

Social Media Marketing: The End Game

Want to manage your social media marketing strategies better? People can tell if you are doing a scattershot method or taking the time to genuinely interact with your community on social media. 

Here is a reality check for you:

1- Social Media’s economics (Facebook) are horrific {expect at least $10 CPM}. Be active on social and try to engage in conversation. Never leave an opportunity online to get noticed and share your knowledge and expertise. Begin by finding the top 5 most popular profiles in your niche, and study what they are doing and how they are doing it. It takes only 50 milliseconds for something to create an impression on people online – makes sure your content leaves an impact in this time.

2- Emails are here to stay and deliver 30X to 40X better ROI compared to Facebook and Emails GIVE YOU BACK FULL CONTROL of your Brand! Start with two platforms first, and once you get a good hold of them only then move on to more platforms. Rather than going for paid tools and apps in one go, try out some free options first. 

3- Social Media may deliver eyeballs…so what? In this day and age, it’s all about STICKINESS and Measurable ENGAGEMENT. It is a game, after all, we need to constantly remain on top of things in order to be successful at social media marketing, no matter what we are doing it is for our personal profile building or business purpose. As simple and easy as it might look from the outside, social media marketing is a lot more than just creating a well-crafted post, posting it to your profile, and then waiting for likes, shares, and recommendations to pour in.

4- Start by participating in activities like Twitter Chats, and once you have a loyal following or once people start to recognize you, host one of your own sessions. But Email is overdue for an upgrade! That’s where {native} Video email comes in… You need to be consistent in all the processes that you mentioned in your blog. Incorporating video is very helpful for engagement. Stay on top of things and share your opinions about what’s happening and around your industry. Let people know what you think.  

Then, we’ll create a content explosion through the free association process, identifying related content on an exponential scale. Next, we’ll assemble note-sketched descriptive, setting the stage for all possibilities. Then, we’ll pull back the curtain and bring our vision to life through rough sketching, exploring multiple iterations. Finally, we’ll examine our strongest concept contenders and explore a range of variations.

Learn To Make Your Best Work And Become Who You Are In The Process with Mind Maps

Create a mind map by placing a word or image in the center of a blank page, then go through and write any ideas you have and connect them to the center image.

The process chart contains the documentation process & insights of the project, titled ‘Wonderful’ by Joeey Lek

While these processes may appear somewhat formulaic, the more they’re practiced, the more they’ll become second nature. Incorporating a creative process or method gives the designer two things. First, it gives the creative a greater range of alternatives to select from. Secondly, it legitimizes the conception process, allowing your creativity to retrace the path they took from start to finish.

When have you found it ineffective or detrimental to a creative process to collaborate with other people?

Having a wide array of choices available is very often the difference between delivering a good concept as opposed to a great concept. Being able to retrace the route functions as one of the best resources a creative has in defending their concept, or as I like to say educating your client. This oftentimes is the distinct difference in being able to convince a client that your concept is the absolute best approach. Versus having your idea tossed aside, and the job going to someone else. Ultimately, one of the most important things a creative can do is produce as many different ideas as possible.

Recommended Book: Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers

There are a variety of different resources I use to boost the creative process:

These Startup tools will help you in Planning and Bootstrapping

Concept and Initialization Stage in which you worried about learning, idea generation, naming your startup, raising capital, investor relations, buying cool domain names, considering cheap hosting options, performing market researches for validation with the help of Forms and Surveys and launching etc.

  1. Begin Startup Schooling form Startup School,
  2. Create MVP using Product Hunt or Intercom on Product Management,
  3. Get inspired by learning from successful startups using UX Timeline,
  4. Do concept validation using ProductGraveyard or Collapsed while discovering failures from the past by fellow entrepreneurs,
  5. Construct your Startup Roadmap using FounderKit or AHA,
  6. Rely on Creately for mockups and wireframing or access Entrepreneurial Tools for more amazing options,
  7. Perform business valuation using Equidam
  8. Set your product or service prices using precedents for Pricing Pages for better price positioning,
  9. Static Site Generation using Gatsby, sky rocket using Launchpad for Sketch, or build your website in moments Wix,
  10. Get access to Free Website Theme using Template Stash,
  11. Seek investors using PitchBook or Investor List or F6S,
  12. Perform Logo designing using Logo Dust,
  13. Compose User Interface for your Landing Pages / Coming Soon Websites using UI Temple or UI Movement,
  14. Get best of the business Landing Page inspirations using LandingFolio,
  15. Access flat icons Feather for your design needs,
  16. Choose Palettes and Themes using CoolHueWeb Gradients or Coolers or you can use Adobe Color Wheel to make cool swatches and gradients,
  17. Adopt Video/Animation Onboarding for Mobile Apps using Elasticode
  18. Explore Lottie by Airbnb or Extension for development purposes,
  19. Check Website Responsiveness using FullStory for deployment and feedback and bug tracking analysis,
  20. Screenshot using Loom for presentations or Recordit for product demo; while you can silence embarrassing notifications while screen sharing using Muzzle,
  21. Perform Document Collaboration using Google Docs or SpreadShare,
  22. Do Time Management using EzyTime,
  23. Predict Cash Flow Forecast using YNAB,
  24. Control expenses using BudgetSimple before launching your startup.

Executing and Refining your performance using these Startup Tools

Running Stage where you may be considering outsourcing to improve your sales, enhance CRM, read a lot of books, read blogs, write articles, and watch hours of videos to bring perspective to your startup.

  1. Start managing Financials using Wave or GNUCash or Mint or MoneyDance  or Xero to serve your early users,
  2. Perform Team Communication using SlackBaseCampAsana or Trello or DropBox Paper or Front 2.0,
  3. Win Customer Relationship Management using Drift 2.0 and for Mobile App startups using Batch,
  4. Adopt Responsive Email Platform using mjml.,
  5. Explore Email Templates using HTML Email or Drip Scripts or you can use Templates for Gmail,
  6. Build your Company Culture following existing giants using Culture Codes
  7. Imitate perfect corporate identities using Just Good Copy,
  8. Start making/saving Notes using Evernote,
  9. Record testimonials using Cassette 2.0,
  10. Consider Securing Your Data using SpiderOak,
  11. Set Video Team Meets using Appear or Zoom,
  12. Start Scheduling Meets using Doodle or Mixmax Calendar,
  13. Build Social Media reach using automation with the help of Social Media Calendar by Buffer or Sprout Social or Klout,
  14. Design Integration using GoAbstract or Facebook Design Resources or Pablo by Buffer or Canva or Freebiesbug,
  15. Archive Photostocks using Unsplash or Pixabay 2.0 or Pexels 2.0 or All The Free Stock or Stock Snap,
  16. Populate Dashboards for analytic using Cyfe or internet speed test by Fast,
  17. Why reinvent the wheel, access existing APIs using API List or APIgee.

Technology Directory on Growth and Expansion

This is the Churn Stage where you are booming with need to grow by bringing changes in your online shop platform, payment methods, legal advisory setup, finance control, Human Resource Management, and send newsletters to keep the dice rolling.

  1. Growth hack using The Bamf Bible or Growth Supply or Marketing Stack or App Marketing Stack or Freelancer Stack could help you achieve the growth you deserve,
  2. Perform Project/Task Management using Yodiz or Taskque or ProofHub for all your project management needs,
  3. Acquire Legal aid in contract signing using Bonsai improving customer support methodology via improved service level agreements,
  4. Perform E-mail list building using Mailchimp among other marketing activities or find email lead generation using Hunter,
  5. Get Insights to Growth Analytic using Google Analytics or more specifically for mobile app analytic,
  6. Access improved Invoicing using iBilling or Due or Eccountant to increase productivity,
  7. Build Communities using Brick by Brick among other social tools,
  8. Accomplish Social Media Providence accessing SM Academy by Buffer,
  9. Get Blog post title generation ideas using Portent or Hubspot,
  10. Perform Search Engine Optimization using Google Keyword Planner or Longtail Pro or SEMRush or BuzzSumo or Ninjaoutreach,
  11. Develop Case study generation by fetching client logos using Clearbit Company Logo API,
  12. Get Startup Coverage using Submit for collaboration and communication.

By adopting a do-it-yourself ethos, entrepreneurs are working with a set of tools uniquely tailored to meet the challenges, of trans-media communication. 

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LinkedIn Extractor

What does your professional platform look like?

After having remained a Premium LinkedIn member for over two years, I realized LinkedIn had to add no value to my professional network besides giving me features like Inmail which is not too oblivious if you know how to use It also gave me insights into who saw my profile which has no significance until you had a superficial satisfaction that recruiters were seeing your profile. The only fruitful thing out of this investment in LinkedIn would be people noticing a badge and hence most likely to join a connect request (that too, you can only flunk the “provide user email bit” if invited through Mobile apps or Tablets). One thing I realized is that the LinkedIn marketing tokens of $50 in sponsored ads were no more coming after a lot of whole.

Sensory Marketing: Mental Stimulation in Display Ads

Today we’re going to take a closer look at sensory marketing. Now, sensory marketing is nothing new, it’s been around for decades. But it’s gaining a lot of buzzes again, and it’s worth reflecting on if you haven’t studied the concept. So, in a nutshell, sensory marketing is about engaging the senses of a consumer to impact their perception of your brand and then influence their behavior. Now, we tend to do this intuitively as marketers. We pick imagery that characterizes the brand with subtle hints to it.

Say it’s a luxury product or a high-quality service. It often goes unnoticed by the consumer, as that sensory impact is typically subtle and almost subconscious. Try this with me. Close your eyes for a second and think about the sound of an Expo whiteboard marker as you write. Is there a characteristic squeak that you hear in your mind? Now, what about a Sharpie writing on a piece of paper? Does your mind jump to the soft but scratchy noise? Those audio cues came about in lots of advertisements that you were likely exposed to.

Over time, you’ve intensified your perception of a brand because of that sensory connection. You likely don’t pick up on that specific Sharpie sound, but it’s there. This holds true in simpler forms of marketing as well. Take display or social media advertising. Have you considered taking advantage of sense-based marketing? Now, we don’t have enough time to go through all the avenues of sensory marketing, but I’ll share with you an example so you can better analyze your visual ads. Have you ever thoughts about the actual position of a product in your advertisement? Say, if someone is holding something in their left hand versus their right hand, would it affect how a viewer imagines using that product? Well, a study by Elder and Krishna published in the Journal of Consumer Research suggests that changing a product’s visual depiction leads viewers to imagine interacting with that product and can, thereby, increase purchase intention.

So, let’s look at an example of what this means. So, here we have two ad concepts. The left shows the spoon on the left and the right shows the spoon on the right. Any ideas on whether or not this minute change would impact the engagement on these ads? Well, the study showed that a match between handedness and product orientation mattered. So a right-handed person viewing a picture of a bowl of cereal with a spoon on the right versus a mismatch increases the mental stimulation of product interaction.

So, in other words, a right-handed person is less likely to engage with an advertisement when the spoon is on the left. They will be more likely to engage with a spoon that is on the right. This is a very simple, yet powerful demonstration of how object orientation works in sensory marketing and how a person’s mind subconsciously tries to interact with the object. If they can visualize themselves using it, I’m right-handed and therefore I will hold the spoon in my right hand, they’re more mentally stimulated. And the more mentally stimulated, the higher their purchase intent.

So as you go out to build your next display ads, come up with a few A, and B experiments of your own that play on the idea of sensory marketing.

Besides all this, I possess an all-star profile from the start. This makes me think that people are incentivized for filling out real and more and more information. I came across an excellent LinkedIn tool to extract email addresses. This tool can be controlled to give access to emails from Instagram as well after a few tweaks.

Here is the exclusive video:

Last but not the least, share your profile so I give you my first impressions of it.

P.S.: I have some world-class contacts. Do you qualify to be a contact to those:

Learn to Optimize your Website for Lead Generation

Digital Media Marketing Agency

A Digital Media Marketing Agency should have an experienced online marketing team with expertise in a diverse range of strategies within multiple industry settings, including marketing, web agency, and e-learning.

Why is Zorays Khalid Alliance one of its kind:

When we design a digital media marketing campaign we actually like following brand guidelines so that the graphic looks like it belongs to a company or matches the voice of that campaign.

Team Zorays Khalid has demonstrated success managing digital campaigns for local, national, and e-commerce brands. With solid management skills, capable of leading and motivating individuals to maximize levels of productivity, while forming cohesive team environments.

One-On-One Digital Media Marketing Services

Nonprofit media will face an incredible challenge to narrow their focus in 2022. The emphasis for so long has been on reaching the most people and measuring impact by the scale of those consuming our content. As media consumers shift behind 1-1 platforms like Messenger, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and other chat apps, we must start to rethink how we measure impact – and place a higher emphasis on the individual.

Want to manage your social media marketing strategies better? In the first place, There Is No Such Thing As A Social Media Guru. People can tell if you are doing a scattershot method or taking the time to genuinely interact with your community on social media.

Here is a reality check for you:

1- Social Media’s economics (Facebook) are horrific {expect at least $10 CPM}. Be active on social and try to engage in conversation. Never leave an opportunity online to get noticed and share your knowledge and expertise. Begin by finding the top 5 most popular profiles in your niche, and study what they are doing and how they are doing it. It takes only 50 milliseconds for something to create an impression on people online – makes sure your content leaves an impact in this time.

2- Emails are here to stay and deliver 30X to 40X better ROI compared to Facebook and Emails GIVE YOU BACK FULL CONTROL of your Brand! Start with two platforms first, and once you get a good hold of them only then move on to more platforms. Rather than going for paid tools and apps in one go, try out some free options first.

3- Social Media may deliver eyeballs…so what? In this day and age, it’s all about STICKINESS and Measurable ENGAGEMENT. It is a game, after all, we need to constantly remain on top of things in order to be successful at social media marketing, no matter what we are doing for our personal profile-building or business purpose. As simple and easy as it might look from the outside, social media marketing is a lot more than just creating a well-crafted post, posting it to your profile, and then waiting for likes, shares, and recommendations to pour in.

4- Start by participating in activities like Twitter Chats, and once you have a loyal following or once people start to recognize you, host one of your own sessions. But Email is overdue for an upgrade! That’s where {native} Video email comes in… You need to be consistent in all the processes that you mentioned in your blog. Incorporating video is very helpful for engagement. Stay on top of things and share your opinions about what’s happening and around your industry. Let people know what you think.

Decent social marketing is hard work and an ongoing exercise, not a one-off. Being part of the conversation is key and in various spaces, it is being connected to digital influencers and encouraging positive conversations. Quality and consistency are key to social media success. Recent studies have shown that there really are optimal posting frequencies for the different social media platforms.

Digital Media Marketing Specialties

Marketing Wisdom

Is Humor a Good Marketing Appeal for Pakistani Audience?

We are really missing in our advertising industry is humor which has good marketing appeal. Humor is the key to better branding, more views and eventually more sales?  If you’re a business owner, advertiser, or marketer, you know that it’s harder than EVER to stand out from your competition.


Because people are bombarded by between 4,000-10,000 marketing messages each day. They’re tired of being force-fed “salesy” ads that give them nothing in return, so they tune out, get distracted, and don’t listen to your message. Boring ads aren’t necessarily a problem if you love wasting advertising dollars (or hate humanity).

Humor is a universal language. — Joel Goodman

What? You’re not a billion-dollar company?

That’s why you need to be able to understand and leverage the most powerful weapon that advertisers have ever used. Humor. It’s like steroids for advertising. Except it doesn’t screw with your fertility. Humor can help you win the fight for customers’ attention as it has good marketing appeal. What do you think, does humor impact the long-term value of the brand? I don’t think so.

Humor is what the young generation of e-commerce marketers is coming up with. Hustling to capture a quick market via a funny, quirky name. I think humor is the most underrated marketing tactic, especially in B2B. You don’t have to be a psychologist to understand that people like to laugh and if you make them laugh, they are probably going to remember you and be more willing to talk to you. In almost every B2B sector the amount of serious “professional” brands outnumber humorous brands 10-1. Do you want to stand out in your crowded industry? Communicate in a way no one else is.

Humor also tends to be incredibly cost-effective – simple emails can be hilarious, generating higher open rates and way high conversation rates simply because they aren’t boring. The argument I always hear against humor is that it isn’t professional, however not every person wants to deal with an organization that is super serious. With businesses only needing to capture a small amount of the dollars in their B2B sectors gaining a small captive audience is incredibly effective. You might even end up surprised when people actually want to speak to your brand! 

Imagine if you could…

  • Inject effective humor into your advertising
  • Create funny ads that people share with their friends
  • Hear new customers tell you that they saw your ad and purchased BECAUSE your ad made them laugh
  • Watch almost any TV show or Movie, and immediately recognize the comedic tools that are being used, then use them for your own ads.

Most people engage with newspapers and humor pages. Humor is good if you use it for content marketing. Try to maintain a mixture. Instill humor alongside marketing for an institution or brand only in the presence of a unique selling point. Only then, humor will urge people to engage. If you are doing the product integration right, humor is always a plus unless there is a sensitive issue! Combining creative ideas with subtle humor never hurts.

In the end, if you ever want to attract more customers and keep the existing customer base a loyal one. “Just smile and appreciate their business”. Before you start your job remove all bad behaviors like ego and pride and carry on your shoulder honesty, humility, and Humor in your conversation with the customers. I can guarantee you will see an increase in sales as well as a loyal customer base. Word of marketing is more powerful than any other type of marketing out there. No books or training videos can teach you this. It is up to you and only you to be a positive difference in everybody’s life.

Cheap Marketing Tactics from Careem Pakistan

Creating a powerful brand is a great way to build loyalty with your customers. For many companies, brands are the single most valuable asset. But once you’ve created a brand, that’s where the challenges kick in. And it can be a real headache if you don’t manage brands correctly. These challenges come from both inside your organization, as well as outside. For example, one of the most common problems marketing leaders have with brands is what we call brand chaos. It happens when new brands start popping up almost out of nowhere. Careem Car booking is now the Careem Rishta Finding app. Careem Pakistan now offers a ‘Rishta aunty’ to accompany you on your ride… because my mom wasn’t enough!

From Pickup locations to Pickup lines

When it comes to optimizing your products digitally, these types of marketing options are available to reach your audience organically, though the ideas do matter in how to Design and Develop Content. Hey, consumers don’t know the difference so you lose a sale each time they buy a fake product with your brand on it. So how do you deal with these challenges? Well first, you need to create a brand book just as the name implies, the brand book is the complete story of the brand and all the elements that go into it. It establishes strict guidelines on every aspect of how a company’s brand will be managed. This affects everything from how the logo can be used, the look of a website, how social media is used, advertising, product design, and so on.

Can’t stop laughing after receiving the mail

They were taking on a controversial strategy. At the end of the day, all they are targeting is a buzz and they are quite achieving it. Careem Rishta Aunty thing seems like the idea of someone who probably works at a place like Mangobaaz. And sadly, they have no consistent look or feel to your other brands. And then one day your flipping through your product catalog and you see a mix and match of products and brands, that have nothing to do with each other. Your brand architecture is in a state of anarchy. How does this happen? Well, marketers love to create brands. Hey, it’s fun and exciting. and they like creating ones that are distinctive and unique. Let’s face it, they want to put their mark on something. So they get together with their design team and branding agencies, and they throw a lot of money into creating the next big thing.

Brand chaos can also stand from things outside the company. If your competitors like Uber and Lyft start attacking your brands by repositioning them, you have to fight back. For example, a competitor might begin an advertising campaign telling consumers that the benefits of your brand just aren’t that important. This type of repositioning strategy can lower your brand equity. Another common problem is when some company copies your brand and creates counterfeit products and services.

This means a depth of shame and absurdity

Rishta aunties to accompany careem Pakistan captains if you click. Great move by ride service to engage Pakistani parents. This is really beyond any sensible person’s understanding. If left unchecked you’ll experience brand chaos it’s expensive to fix, and it can really confuse customers on what your brands mean. Another common brand problem is when employees take one of your brand marks and create their own adapted version of it. In other words, they make it look different than the official version. A sales rep might put an altered brand mark in a presentation for example. Or a marketer might change it slightly to fit on a package. The sources of this problem are many.

Careem Pakistan needs to appoint a strong brand champion. Someone who is senior enough in your organization to regulate and monitor brand compliance and stop anyone who violates standards in the brand book. And finally, you need a strong legal team. Either internal or external that will go after counterfeiters or anyone that hijacks your brands for their own use. Great branding is about making and keeping promises in a consistent way.

That’s why great marketers do whatever they can to prevent brand chaos.

Influencer Marketing

Creating value by matching the right connections between each side of today’s marketplace will separate the winners from losers in next-generation Influencer Marketing. The mixing of technology, content, and brands is only just beginning.

What’s changed recently is an explosion of technology and social media. With the advent of YouTube, everyday people achieved fame and immense followings. At the same time, the rise of ad-blocking software has also created obstacles for marketers and called for new strategies to reach consumers. Now, with a myriad of social media and video-sharing platforms, there are many opportunities for brands with varying budgets to reach their consumers in a more authentic and intimate way. Therefore, it is no surprise that social media influencer marketing is growing exponentially.

Influencer marketing personnel aren’t just YouTube stars or people with thousands of Twitter followers. They are everyday folks who have conversations with friends and family. With technology now, we can also focus on individuals as micro-influencers. Whereas we see Influencer marketing is generally focused on those klouts with big followers, which is great, we need that too, but let’s not forget about the general populous.

As an ultimate influencer marketing giant, we at zorayskhalid dot com also think that a lot of companies are missing their biggest source of influencers: their employees. Facilitating one’s employees to be more social and building their trust to believe in the brand and products would mean more families and friends buying those products because that information is coming from a credible source from within them.  There is nothing like in-person meetings to really understand influencers’ marketing and also encourage influencers to work with brands. Those in-person interactions help create brand loyalty that you just can’t buy.

With too much focus on the trend with big data when small data, well gained and used, are very useful for building brands, etc., too. The consumers want to have is the freshness of data delivered to them contextually and the content must be relevant. Two things we want and three things we desire – relevance, freshness, and authenticity of the information. If an influencer wants to pitch a bunch of stuff that sucks they might lose that stature. Opening up the universe of content to brands and the resources of brands to the raw talent is hugely exciting (new) and relevant (sympathetic to content consumption) yet fraught with difficulty (it is new), complexity (there are many nodes in the chain) and as yet unproven.

While many think that influencer marketing is a recent phenomenon, it has actually existed in marketing for quite some time. Influencer marketing is the process of a brand partnering with someone that holds influence and importance with the brand’s target audience. Using this definition has been done with radio personalities mentioning brands, blogging, and the standard celebrity endorsement for quite some time. Contact me for knowing what horizons we deliver with our influencer network. 

Bulk Whatsapp Sender

This is the age of the “Family” Whatsapp group. WhatsApp has built a community of more than 1.2 billion monthly active users worldwide by allowing them to message friends for free. The service has become much more than a no-cost chatting app. The description of social bonding and peer pressure sounds similar to the theme of the 2017 movie “The Circle”. Whatsapp is idle chatter that gets consumed without too many defenses, and without having to test it against any form of external reality. It’s interesting that, depending on content and context, everything that’s positive can just as easily be the worst aspect of Whatsapp as well. It lives in a self-reinforcing bubble, a vicious circle of affirmations between people just like us with no tolerance for dissent or discussion. Families feel warm and dysfunctional at the same time. Every argument inevitably becomes acquiescence or a new WhatsApp group.

What does WhatsApp offer today? What is its personality?

A service multiuse:

  • You can message someone you know (A conversation with someone of whom phone number is in your contacts list).
  • You can message a group of people you know (A conversation with two or more people of whom the phone number is in your contacts list ).
  • In recent years, the authorities have caught on to WhatsApp’s potential for engaging more directly with the Pakistani public, especially in some of the country’s megacities.
    • Increasing women’s safety
    • Reporting offenses
    • Holding politicians to account
    • Helping terror victims

In a country where education and psychological support are limited, WhatsApp can be an important tool to spread knowledge. Whatsapp does set itself apart in the intimacy and homogeneity that it provides with its own unwritten membership rules.

Messaging domain is moving backward

There seem to be gazillion messaging apps out there that are all about creating little walled gardens where you are not allowed to talk to anyone outside the garden with mostly questionable business models along the lines of getting: millions of users, ????, Facebook buys you. So Whatsapp social media technology users don’t talk to Facebook Messenger users who don’t talk to google IM, etc. People are keeping a long WhatsApp list to show their powerful social network. It’s a very visible network. Very useful though and used extensively for Business in the Middle East and South East Asia.

Give an insight story where we can connect emotions

Whatsapp’s $16+ billion acquisition, destroying the Telecom Industry is one of its major effects as well. It got us more involved in the Digital World that’s for sure.  It takes great discipline not to let social media consume your life and identity! Whatsapp has effectively turned into a tracking tool. WhatsApp chose convenience over privacy and security, but here’s how you can fix this. By the way, an “attempt to intercept messages” is only detectable if you activate “show security notification” (In WhatsApp, go to Settings > Account > Security > show security notifications: on).

What’s That? WhatsApp Goes Full Encryption. Future possible features:

  • Messaging with someone we don’t know (Conversation with two or more people of whom the phone number is NOT in your contacts list but that are part of our #Channel or a #Channel we are part of).
  • Personal use (Following interesting #Channels ).

Traffic Exchange

A tool I use for improving Alexa. It should not be meant for embedding frames for earning.

Is Money Robot traffic safe for my website waiting for Adsense approval? No. Been there done that! It doesn’t help!

OBS and Whereby

OBS is a streaming software that I use for online streaming on Youtube or Facebook. Whereby is an online video conferencing tool that I use for video meetings?

Learn the Webinar Basics: Introducing the Webinar

3 Must-dos to Promote Small Business on Facebook

Facebook adverts are an extremely effective way of advertising your company/services as long as the adverts are carefully put together to receive maximum impact from the money you are spending. Many small businesses are starting to embrace the benefits of Facebook advertising, but they need a strict plan of action. So, let’s look at 3 must-dos when you advertise your small business on Facebook.

  1. Being something to somebody

Yes, it is common for small businesses to advertise via Facebook marketing as the platform has over 1 billion users who log on hourly in many cases. The beauty of Facebook ads is that you can target your ad and its delivery to a very specific audience. Don’t create one ad to reach the masses. To get the best return on your advertising investment, create messages and images that appeal to a highly-targeted audience. Yes, that will mean you have multiple ads running, but the bonus is those ads will more likely get the results you want. Click through rate is higher in such ads

  1.  Relevancy

Facebook even provides a relevance score for your ads through its analytics. This rates how pertinent your ad is to an audience. The higher the score the better chance Facebook will deliver it to your target audience. It’s the platform’s goal to deliver ads that matter to its users. If your message is not relevant to your target audience, they won’t see it in their feeds. When structuring your advert, use the Facebook demographic selector to make sure you are reaching people who fit the age/interests/usage targets you are looking for then work on building a highly visual advert with attention-grabbing headlines and include keywords related to the product you are advertising.

  1. Do not stop after one attempt

Don’t give up if your first attempt at an ad isn’t successful. Creating and managing Facebook ads is more art than science, and it takes time to understand what resonates best with your target audience. Facebook gives you the ability to advertise to a relevant target audience at a very inexpensive price point. Hence why every small business should consider Facebook advertising. Revitalize your campaigns.

Facebook is a powerful promotional platform for any small business.

Bonus Tip: Use this Facebook Politics Switch! to be very focused.

Attract Potential Customers for Your Business using Instagram

Today a person is subjected to more new information in a day than a person in the middle ages in his entire life! We are firm believers that Businesses using Instagram if done right could do wonders. Instagram is a place of portraits. Pictures can say a lot. And if you are talented enough why not.  The human connection and resulting, almost incidental sales increases that creating a genuine, passionate, interactive Instagram platform can bring. The growth potential and resulting exponential network value inherent in making a service like Instagram free. It seems there is no market pressure out there to drive anything new. It feels like we are at a standstill where pay models are often non-starters and ads are the go-to. What’s in between? What can change the paradigm? Or are we fine with where we are? 

Business using Instagram

Working on a startup is a balancing act: being crazy enough to believe your idea can take off, but not crazy enough to miss the signs when it’s clearly not going to. If you understand who your target audience is and which platforms they invest their time, then creating a well-thought-out experience that achieves company goals and engages your target audience creates the opportunity for loyalty – and an experience to tell others. Instagram has the most disguised way to promote through influencers. Influencers are sent products for free. In exchange, the selected users promote products in posts and generally offer coupon codes to add a more personal feel. Too many people don’t put themselves and their talent out there because they think their not good enough which is such a shame. If you love it, share it with the world, and what better place than Instagram? Nostalgia Marketing is getting a more and more popular approach to attract consumers.

Of course, shoppers can only see the brightly labeled snacks, and before you know it, everything becomes snacks.

Instagram is building a profitable business. Which means walking a fine line between maximizing revenue and delivering an experience. The problem is that you can’t fault Instagram or any of the other services out there that are playing the attention web game. There is already enough marketing going on on Instagram, giving anybody the ability to link anything, everywhere for free would only worsen the situation and, in the long run, cause Instagram to lose users. It’s we, the people of the internet, who have set the rules of engagement. We want our web and we want it for free.

However, the inconvenient truth is that there is a cost to doing business and at some point, companies have to make money.  How the interplay between revenue and experience can change when pressure is applied from The Street on a quarterly basis. Decisions are not always as cut and dry as one would like them to be in an ideal, human-centered world.

Did we start to lose our Mojo?

Integrated media strategies have to be evaluated extensively before you decided which are the best channels. It all depends on the objectives of the campaign and who and where are your target market. Once determined, then you will be able to zero in with effective media strategies. IG audiences are very engaging and a great way to connect with like minds who fuel interests and passions. Yet there is a lot more to understand from consumer behaviors. Adopting Business Intelligence took some time for companies to adopt because companies never had clean data. Their data was bad, so was their analysis and so was the output in the form of business insights. Since this requires a lot of education for all the departments in an organization, this will take some time for companies to see Instagram’s true potential. Love the retro vibe. The fundamentals remain, the key to being closer and understanding the changing habits of your target, maximizing Brand potential via the appropriate use of digital platforms and social media.

Gen X nostalgia: Subtle + Clever Marketing

While digital channels are certainly cost-effective and targeted, traditional media still plays an important role for many organizations. It is definitely a labor of love to post consistently and creatively. Sometimes the hardest part is just taking the first step into the unknown and when it comes to sharing on social media, it does take courage too! Well done on pursuing your passion and business. Don’t forget to continue to build a relationship with your newfound friends, earn their trust, and thank them. Word of mouth from satisfied customers is priceless. There is traditional and digital marketing (local or worldwide). “Traditional” is mainly on paper, panels, murals, aerial, or on the radio. “Digital” might be online or, also, directed to an offline choice. It is for sure that, at the very end or at the very beginning of that,” the advertisement campaign is capturing attention from a targeted segment of audience or trying to identify those eventually related”. A well-mapped out marketing campaign should include digital elements, as well as traditional marketing methods.

Instagram is life-porn, and you’ve got to get it under control

Approaching “influencer marketing”, “content marketing” or “wear blue shoelaces cause it’s Tuesday marketing” (or anything that supposes a word before marketing makes it something else) will just get more of the marketing we’ve all come to hate. If you’re building influence, the trick is to turn it into a business using Instagram. If you’re an Instagram star, and you’re turning a buck holding packets of tea in your finest Athleisure, the clock is ticking and the onus is going to be on you to do something more. Take a moment to think about that. A network that hosts millions of people won’t let them do something that is second nature for digital natives. So its users have concocted their own clunky loophole to get around the problem. It’s as if there were a permanent snowstorm in a city, and the mayor refused to clear the sidewalks. Inevitably, pedestrians would just stomp out their own inelegant roundabout paths to navigate the dirty, urine-filled slush.

“Link in Bio” Is the Worst Thing About Instagram

To turn your network into a customer base, and to turn your business model into something repeatable and long-term. There are people who are starting to do this pretty fucking effectively. The real issue is that your value as an influencer is calculated only on your influence. On your network. And because you’re building that network inside of someone else’s social app, you don’t own it… Influence marketing mistakes are just marketing mistakes. The vast majority of marketing is not creative and uses the dead paradigm that pushing out enough content will overwhelm any shortcomings in your message. That’s the mass marketing paradigm of the last century.

Don’t make the kind of marketing you hate

Additionally, looking at the landscape, the ad-based model seems to take a relatively predictable path of implementation. One part of which includes algorithms. In walking that line between revenue and experience, perception means a lot, and to many, fairly or not, algorithms are perceived as mathematical black boxes that take control away from the user, “unlevel” the playing field, and are as much there to decide what you don’t see as they are to decide what you do. Which, without going down too much of a rabbit hole, has the potential to create self-perpetuating filter bubbles of information that diminish the diversity of thought and perspectives you encounter. The impacts/benefits of which are arguable but not inconsequential.

Yo, Instagram folks. Holding packets of tea is not a business model

The thing is, Instagram’s success is not worth nearly as much as the people enjoying it think. It’s just not. In fact, as an asset it’s almost totally worthless when you compare its monetary value with the hours spent building it, and how easy it would be for it all to disappear. Social media needs to help share information with purpose and self-compassion needs to be considered rather than self-esteem while you read/watch. There’s no better way to hate yourself than to look at someone you love just a little more. The future of marketing, selling, business, and life will be found in us moving beyond the commodity-based paradigm and serving the interests of our audiences. Listen to your customers, engage them and the people who they look up to. Find out what they want and see that they get it.

Building Rapport using LinkedIn Company Page

Nothing impacts people’s perceptions and behavior like the recommendation of a trusted friend, colleague, or family member. When you post content to your LinkedIn Company Page, your followers can like, share, or comment on your updates, amplifying your messages to reach their first-degree connections too. For businesses, relationships matter more than ever. Building relationships that drive results is the key to professional decision making and a whopping 80 percent of LinkedIn members want to connect with companies because those connections provide them with opportunities to discover new avenues of success.

Statistics reveal that there are more than 150 million people and 2 million businesses that have a strong presence on LinkedIn. Having a page on LinkedIn is a must for every e-commerce businessman to market their business. Creating a LinkedIn company page is free of cost. It only requires your time and attention to fill in some information about your company. On your company’s page, you can put the type of business, your logo, the number of employees, links to your blog, links to your website, pictures, videos, etc.

Building Rapport using LinkedIn Company Page

Your company page is your home on LinkedIn. We are always inspired by LinkedIn Company Pages. LinkedIn helps marketers forge relationships with the world’s largest professional community. The platform offers a knack for striking up conversations with strangers and always operated with a high level of curiosity and interest in others. The LinkedIn page allows putting questions about the other person’s interests, who quickly ended up talking about something they were interested in. Why? Because people tune out irrelevant or promotional messages to focus on useful, engaging content.

Through LinkedIn Company page Analytics we can listen attentively and then use the information to learn more about new acquaintances and followers gained. What we have learned from early access to LinkedIn’s new user interface is the masterful art of building rapport. Your Analytics page also displays monthly engagement metrics for all your posts collectively. As you optimize your updates based on individual performance, you should see an uptick in your overall engagement month over month. Building rapport is creating a relationship with another person, probably your client. Companies that inform and engage aren’t just selling – they’re building relationships. Company Updates containing links can have up to 45 percent higher follower engagement than updates without links. 

Taking advantage of the viral effect of commenting and liking is a great way to get even more content distribution. Introduce the content you post with a question or comment to spark discussion amongst followers. Be a part of the discussions yourself, don’t let the spark die. The more you post, the more often are people likely to see your page and participate in your discussions. Give the people what they like, and involve them. Check the calendars of local network meetings, Meetup groups, and business events; attend the ones that offer social media programs to learn and become more social media savvy.

Cultivate thriving relationships with your LinkedIn Company Page followers

You’re already promoting your blog, Twitter profile, and your presence on other networks like Facebook on your website. Make sure you’re promoting your LinkedIn company page as well. Also, tell your Twitter followers and Facebook fans that they can also follow you on LinkedIn. Check the calendars of local network meetings, meet-up groups, and business events. Attend the ones that offer social media programs to learn and become more social media savvy.

Rapport is based on commonality, harmony, and human connection. There are three types of building rapport and we will list them in order of difficulty. Rapport is easy when you and the other person have a lot in common. We call this simple rapport. We have a lot in common with people that we share a context, such as work, a past experience like high school, or someone we share the same environment with, such as a family member. Do you practice connecting with people at family gatherings and at work social gatherings? LinkedIn Company Page is your easiest training ground. Once you’ve established your company presence on LinkedIn, you can begin fostering relationships by attracting followers to your Company Page. 

A trickier type of rapport that does not come as natural is impromptu rapport. You may not know the other person, but may find something you both have in common, and that sparks an initial connection. LinkedIn members are almost 50 percent more likely to buy from a company they engage with on LinkedIn. For example, on your vacation, you sit across a person wearing a sweatshirt with your city’s name across the chest or you’re at a business meeting and you find that the person across the conference table is wearing the same charity bracelet with you. 

Both these examples would make it easy to spark a conversation with a stranger, as it would be based on your chance commonality and the opportunity to build rapport. The same goes with LinkedIn Company Page when you mention the causes you care about using the Sponsored Corporate Social Responsibility content. If your company has a YouTube channel, embed product demos or customer testimonial videos that tell a compelling narrative about the value you offer. Understand customers’ needs or have specific content creation skills (e.g., video production, infographic design).

Take notice of people around you that you may not know but you may have something in common. Practice striking up a conversation around that commonality first, and then ask another question so you get to know something more about them. The hardest type of rapport is custom rapport. This is the rapport that does not stem from any commonality or shared past experience. For custom rapport to happen, you have to make an effort, do your homework, and find something you have in common with the other person in order to strike up a conversation. What resonates most with followers? Content that’s customized to their professional interests. With LinkedIn’s Targeted Updates, you can easily match your message to your audience. Updates posted in the morning usually earn the highest engagement, with a slight bump occurring again after business hours. Experiment to see what works best for your company. 

Across LinkedIn, companies are seeing the benefits of engaging their followers: recent research shows that LinkedIn is 277 percent more effective at lead generation than Facebook or Twitter. When you try to make a connection with another person, whether it’s in a business or a personal setting, it takes energy and it takes practice. It’s a known fact that over 80% of sales, marketing, and initial connections are made through networking. Use Targeted Updates to let colleagues in regional offices contribute content that speaks directly to your customers or prospects in different areas. The stronger you are at LinkedIn Company Page rapport building, the stronger networker you will become. Practice all three types of rapport building, simple, impromptu, and custom rapport, and you’ll be well on your way.

Imran Butt Explains how Levi’s caters to Gen Z differently from Others

By 2025, 75% of the jobs will be held by the millennial group of people. Millennials are people who were born from the 1980s to 1996 (~2000). Beyond that is considered Generation Z. Forty percent of the world population will be Gen Z. These are the people who will grow old and stay and hence their narratives will change. From one revolution to another, it took centuries and decades, it is about years and months now. Why is the change happening? What is the urgency? The point is all of this happens when the consumer wants it to change. What makes us think that the consumer is not changing? This is what Mr. Imran Butt Country Manager Levis Strauss, Malaysia had to ask and answer about as he went live with Khalid Alvi Marketing Next members!

Imran is an experienced Country Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the apparel and fashion industry. Skilled in Strategic thinking, Retail, Merchandising/Product Development, and Fashion trend analysis. He is a strong sales professional with a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) focused in Accounting and Business/Management from the University of Punjab.

What percentage of Gen Z is born to Millennials is the real question

The thing that bothers me is that old people have false egos and they say they know it or could do it if required. How to counter that narrative without hurting their ego is by reverse mentoring. This is exactly how Levi’s intends to cater to Gen Z differently from others. Because Generation Z understands disruption much better digital natives have very strong values. Their morality and ethical values differ and that is what motivates the new generation. They don’t want to stand in long queues for grocery shopping in the presence of Amazon Go. Extreme digital natives by the way.

Whatever I am saying to you was outdated yesterday or definitely would become obsolete tomorrow. — IB

That is why, Levi’s has struck the cord by practicing different methods to do right by the planet, from stepping up as a fashion industry leader in the fight against climate change to launch of the Levi’s® brand’s partnership with Cotton Incorporated’s Blue Jeans Go Green™  denim recycling program. The CEO has been found to promote spot cleaning. Take it from Levi Strauss & Co CEO Chip Bergh, who famously hasn’t washed his 501® jeans in 10 years.

There are almost 1.9 Billion users of Youtube on a monthly basis. One Billion hours of video content is being seen on daily bases. Consumer-generated content has become a currency. Communication has to be trustworthy and honest to remove this polarization. Consumer insight, machine learning, and AI will shape marketing. The marketing needs to add value, need to be transparent, and need to be trustworthy. With all of this, the mentors and influencers have to be from a different generation.

Pakistan has a lot of polarization in fashion

Be it Gen Z or Millennials, Pakistanis are laggards they catch up parties too late. However, Imran insisted that Television is dead for Pakistan’s market. If you look at a typical Shalwar Kameez, which is airy and on average costs Rs. 800, Levi’s has fabrics that are adaptable and the product is falling in this pricing strategy and positioned around the same price point. The distribution has to be widely available, not only in the metropolitan. A pair of jeans can only then be made tableware in Pakistan.

We are victims of complacency. Complacency will replace you as an organization, brand, and as a nation. — IB

This is what resonates really well with the Millennials and well-researched Generation Z which constitutes the critical mass. These are the people who are economically empowered. Look at the younger folks who have made it big. They have the money and a whole life in front of them. They are gonna be your consumer for a very very long time.

Facebook Ads Conversions in Ramzan 2023

So it all depends on the targeting, ad visuals, ad copy, audience relevance, landing page, and much more. A good mix of these can get you results.

Ramzan greetings to all of you and I hope it’s going really well this spring for all of you. Ramzan is known to be a month of giving. Entrepreneurs and startups, as Ramzan, here and we all being part of this aspiring ecosystem are earning/thriving whilst doing our best. For me, Facebook’s ads result is getting terrible day by day. Initially, I thought that was the case with my solar company Facebook page only. After carefully perusing, I realized, a lot of discussions have been made about the poor results Facebook ads have been providing. But is it only the Facebook ads that are the reasons for poor sales or are there any other factors? For instance buying power of consumers? How does heat affect online business?

Extremely bad situation. Cost per purchase is soaring. Almost every other product faces a decline in sales at the start of Ramzan. Either online or at brick-mortar shops. It’s mainly due to changes in routine and people holding their money for Eid shopping etc. If you are running ad campaigns in Pakistan. Kindly consider the fact of Ramzan for a month which would affect user time on Facebook. You can optimize it so that most of the viewership spent at midnight. Facebook usually targets useless audiences initially on whatever parameters it decides internally. You get a good number of reach and likes but they are good for nothing then after a week your cost starts increasing then gradually you get a quality audience. It’s based on multiple boost attempts.

Most of the ads running are old-fashioned and too old for a customer’s eye. A lot, I mean a lot, depends on the creative. This is due to cutthroat competition and secondly, customer has a lot of choices in every domain. More clicks mean more potential shoppers, and more potential shopper means more sales. And by creative I mean complete communication! Is your communication convincing enough? This has to be taken care of. Facebook ads don’t give poor results, it’s only the people who don’t know how to use Facebook ads properly.

Is there any way to fix this?

Facebook also changes ad-related policies and algorithms time by time so nothing is certain. Basically one of the major reasons I think of is that now maximum users of Facebook use Facebook through smartphones where there is a very small number of visible dimensions for adverts.

Instagram ads similarly for the same reason have been performing quite well for this solar company in Pakistan, especially dynamic retargeting. Maybe try going back in the purchase funnel and building/targeting a newer audience. If you optimized for purchase, then go back to add to cart or view content or consider even traffic campaigns. And then build your way up. Also, try shifting focus towards SEO.

Experienced marketers always talk about quality content and the psychology of the target audience. For one to understand it, they have to go a long way through experimentation. I will suggest you be real, start some short videos and give some extras for engagement. It’s human nature. People get attracted to sales and extras. Buy 2 get 1 free bonus. Try offering some complimentary stuff instead of cutting the prices. Also, try narrowing your audience and the kind of niche you want.

THE MAIN reason in my point of view is lack of trust. Even I reduced online shopping because of stupid fraud stuff. A major contributor to this problem is the customer who is really into buying stuff online has got his trust shattered due to scam vendors. And because of them, the real business person has suffered a lot. I purchased some stuff for a gift and in the end, what I got is garbage a total waste of time and money. That’s what most of us think. Ramzan is not only about fasting, but also about little acts of goodness.

I tested Daraz and some other companies’ stuff. But every time, it’s a disappointment. I myself have been a victim of many fake vendors, especially from Daraz and now after wasting my money I have decided to reduce my online buying to only those products which are not easily sourced in the physical market otherwise after such an experience I would always prefer to check what I am buying in front of the shopkeeper and then only pay my money.

This I think has been the case with many customers in Pakistan and is a major reason behind the decline in online sales. And people don’t fail to cheat in Ramzan as well. Plus physical store owners know this thing now while making their pitch they tell the customers to not buy the product online as online stores don’t give after-sales services and you will regret buying the product online. Therefore, you are required to build trust.

Facebook Ads based Sales grow after the 15th of Ramzan

Online markets are very slow these days due to Ramzan. Ramzan sales do go down in the first 10 or so days. Don’t worry and be a little patient. Sales are expected to grow not until the 12th-13th of Ramzan, I believe. First, 15 days of Ramzan are always been slow for Facebook ads. It picks up after 15 and gets out of control by 20th Ramzan. Maybe, weekends can bring some magic. The sales will soar after the 15th.

Having said this, you have to look into Audiences and create a very specific audience according to your business. It takes time to get the right results. Keep tweaking the audiences until you get what you want. Doesn’t matter the time of the month. Your funnel can always have potential customers.

You have to factor in the 1st of the month. That’s when people have money to spend. So wait for a few days and then actively start really targeted ads by the weekend. Hopefully, the curse will break. Additionally, you ought to offer better prices, quality, and service than your competitors, and to communicate that, you need to have very eye-catching pictures and creatives of your merchandise.

You can not sell in the last 3-4 days due to delivery issues, so practically you are left with 10 days. I think if you want to get rid of all the current inventory, you should reduce prices and get the most out of the season. Sales will increase after 15 but not overwhelmingly; they will increase at a normal pace.


I’ll turn your ideas into great results.

What makes me different?

  • Monthly Maintenance and Moderation
  • General Social Media Strategy and Social Integrated Marketing Consulting
  • Formal Analysis of Current Marketing Deployment, Social Strategy Development, and Integration
  • Research and Analysis

Sentiment Analysis: Response Rate

Analysis of Queries (Resolved/Unresolved)

Competitive Intelligence: Growth rate, daily engagement rate, country reach: distribution of fans, people talking about, admin posts by day, most engaging post types.

Brand Share Of Voice = brand mentions / (brand mentions + competition mentions)
Keyword Search

Social Media Maintenance

Pakistani Social Media Marketing is manipulation and people buy on EMOTION! There is even evidence that allowing the mind a spell of boredom—in effect, resting the brain—leads to more creativity in subsequent tasks, an effect psychologists call the “incubation advantage.” At least this was true for Pakistani Social Media in 2016. Overall, we’re now spending almost 2 hours a day on social media, or about 15% of our time awake. For the year 2020, targeting will become more precise as data sets and machine learning continue to develop and make use of remarketing strategies, which will make digital advertising more cost-effective and influence more brands to go digital-only in their advertising.

I also highly recommend done-for-you profit funnels for the ultimate passive income with a one-time investment of $17 or less (Rs. 2500) only.

Fake News Sells in Pakistani Social Media:

The issue of “fake news” came to the fore towards the end of 2016 with Facebook in particular feeling the force of public backlash. And what does that mean to marketers? Those executives and business owners who are willing to do what it takes, no matter if it’s ethical or not, will undoubtedly apply similar tactics to their marketing plans. The list of potential motives is endless: anti-corporate activism, unsavory union tactics, competitive harassment, dissatisfied shareholders, unethical stock traders, and even ethics-challenged, bottom-feeding PR practitioners. Every part of the world will see this affect their marketing plans. Be diligent in making sure, at this time next year, we have beaten this “trend.”

It’s up to marketers to do three things— here is how amplification of false information will become more difficult. :

  • Verify the validity of every piece of news before we share it anywhere;
  • Build an internal discussion around what to do if a competitor spreads fake news about our organizations or executives; and
  • Refuse to do work with anyone who wants us to do this. This isn’t a trend just for Pakistan.

My Competencies cover Graphic Designing [Siva Art School], Proposal Writing [NPO workshop], Critical Thinking [Duke, MOOC], Technical Writing [Course Work], Social Network Analysis [Stanford, MOOC] based Market Research [Enviro-Haier], Rap Band [Yo Yo Punjabi], and Video Editing.

Hence I cover,

  • Customer Base
  • Active Daily Moderation; Interaction with Customers and Client Follow Up on Social Channels.
  • Application Development
  • Social Analysis and Reporting
  • Art & Design

Other than digital marketing I deal with brand image, helping brands in going to other mediums which can grow their business.

Pakistani Social Media using Visual Content:

Marketing is not only the process that involves the sale of goods or services to consumers, but any time you sell your idea to another or make yourself to be understood by another, then you have engaged in the art of marketing. In 2016, selling emotions through content was already a commodity. That is, the written type of content is a commodity. Brands should focus less on the quantity of written content (blogs, et. al.) and instead have a “less is more” approach by focusing on quality. However, visual content is not a commodity, and this is where brands should be investing more of their budgets, whether in user-generated campaigns to source photographic content, creating more and more videos, or doing more and more live streams, this visual content area will help you truly cut through the noise and be heard.

Content will also become more immersive, as video grows in popularity and the barrier to production for 360 video decreases. Bring social into the content creation discussion and think about how content can be utilized across different channels, as opposed to creating content and then adapting it to fit social. Additionally, big brands will begin to produce consistent and high-quality live videos, akin to TV broadcasts.

Paid Pakistani Social Media:

The days of organic social media success are over. It’s not a question of paying for playing but of how much you pay to play. In order to do so, you need to create your own revenue attribution model algorithm, measure, and optimize. Failing to create rational attribution models keeps many brands from under-investing in social and missing out on opportunities to leverage the communities and data (custom audiences, et. al.) they already own. Any organization which doesn’t believe in innovation and its implementation at all levels will always be facing such problems. Cost-of-acquisition and retention/lifetime value will become stronger indicators of social media marketing success, as they tie together to two of the most important business objectives. We believe that the only way to get disruptive innovation is to create a culture of risk tolerance, where it’s okay to try crazy things.

Facebook / Meta Adverts

Facebook and other advertisement need traction analysis. Sometimes to check the click-through rate (cause/action) and often to calculate ROI (effect/reaction). But most importantly to discover direction. With the right funnel marketing strategies, I will help you remarket on your products.

My process includes, but is not limited to:

  • Determination of Audience:
  • Demographics and localization.

Narrowing of Audience:

If they like, share, or comment on your post, they become part of a post engagement custom audience which you can remarket to. If they watch your video for more than 3 seconds, they are now in your video view custom audience.

Optional: Pixel installation, Personalization through the domain. Also discuss embedding wooCommerce integration, Mailchimp list building, Facebook Page Tab generation, and lead generation projects.

Lead Generation Using Forms

If they click “learn more” in your Facebook lead ad, they can give you their contact information in an auto-filled form.

Client’s Responsibility:

Lead Form field entities and accent colors

My Responsibility:

Lead Form Setup
Be ready for a cost per acquisition as low as $ 0.06 per genuine lead.

Lead Generation Using Open Graph 2.0 API Scrapes

Secret… don’t tell anybody

Client’s Responsibility:

Keywords (like the profession of target audience) and demographics (place)
My Responsibility:

Hookup with 500 Leads Scrapped Via Facebook Open Graph API to get Name (individual/company), Telephone, Email, Address, Website, Facebook (Social Link).
Disclaimer: Some entities do not fulfill your expectations so multiple renders ($ 0.50/- per tweak) can be simulated until you are satisfied.

Facebook Remarketing

If they check into your retail store, they can be a check-in audience. If they leave products in the cart, they can be treated as an abandoned cart audience.

Client’s Responsibility:

Drive to invest twice the money you spend on your boosted posts each month.

My Responsibility:

Pixel Conversion Strategy and Goal establishment for Calculating ROI to propose additional Facebook Advert campaigns. 5 days delivery.
Actually remarketing on Facebook can expose you to a whole new level of remarketing through which you can run a better customer acquisition campaign.

Lead Generation Using Sponsored Messages/ Email to Groups

Client’s Responsibility:

Group access and campaign budget either for sponsored inbox messages to custom audiences or direct conversation with your client.

My Responsibility:

I scrape messenger profile links and will create a custom audience
If by any chance you have access to similar groups, I can get you direct Facebook Message addresses at $ 5 per group.

Sponsored messages are messages that are delivered directly to a person with whom you have an existing conversation within Messenger.

Is business E-mail dying?

Business E-mail marketing strikes numerous as antiquated. More popular venues like online networking and portable marketing get all the consideration. A few individuals will even attempt to let you know that email promoting is dead.

Shockingly, reality doesn’t concur. Actually, with a solid substance advertising approach, of various types of email, a business email is more effective than at any other time in recent memory. At the point when individuals discuss email marketing, heaps of them neglect to specify value-based messages. These are the robotized messages you get in your inbox in the wake of making a specific move on a site. This could be anything from rounding out a structure to buying an item to redesigning the advancement of your request. Frequently, these are plain content messages that email advertisers set and overlook.

Do Not Mail List

E-mailing Lists are dying. You need to build a marketing list, i.e. a list of email addresses for people that you would like to contact and that might have an affinity to what you are offering.

There are several companies, such as direct marketing services, that collect emails and sell/rent those contacts. If you have a very specific audience and you know where the information, i.e. emails are contained, then you can create your own email list. The benefit is that that list is (i) cheaper to obtain and (ii) you know its quality and where it came from. I am not sure how targeting others is really tough. Zorays Khalid Inc. likes to share. I do not sell. In spite, we charge for services done in the segmentation of your target audience according to our own database of 70K list.

Lack of Good E-mail Content and E-mail Templates

Good email content deepens your relationship with your audience through effective subject line writing (getting your messages opened), your distinctive voice (getting those messages read), and delivering quality, niche-specific content your prospect needs and shares with others (inspiring referrals and word-of-mouth). That is what we do at Titantwister.

Follow up on the initial responses: You can definitely market effectively using the power of an email. To succeed in email marketing for your business, you need to build a relationship of trust and goodwill. Remember that despite of spam abuse. Email marketing is one of the most effective lead generation channels, especially in the B2B space. So, utilizing this channel is a great way to drive more leads and grow your business.

Conclusion: Email is one of the pioneer channels for marketing. If done right, you can directly get important information into the inbox of your prospects and get them engaged with your content. We make sure we have had the consent of all email directories before sending, otherwise it’s a spam email. Like others do. Do not let an email bomber misrepresent you.

How Branded Domains work?

I help you set Personalized Sponsored or share-friendly short URLs. Case Study:

Search Engine Marketing

Remarketing your existing campaigns using cookies from your website so that we can target the right audience. If they click on a link to your website, they become part of a website custom audience you can remarket to.

Client’s Responsibility:

The influx of minimum viable daily CPM bids for both platforms.

My Responsibility:

Remarketing lists enable you to use both Google & Bing with keyword bidding optimization. 5 days delivery time.

Google Ads (Google Adwords)

Client’s Responsibility:

Provide us with active Google Advert account credentials.
My Responsibility:

Remarketing list enabling you to use your Google Ads keywords group with your website audie*nce. 2 days delivery time.

Add Ons: Location Setup: $ 10/- Callout Extension Setup: $ 5/- Dynamic Marketing Setup: $ 60/- for four products (have you ever notice sending adverts of same products to you… that!)

Bing Ads

Client’s Responsibility:

Provide us with active Bing Advert account credentials.

My Responsibility:

Initiating remarketing list that targets your current website traffic for specific keyword group associations. Same-day delivery.

Monetization with YouTube

Foolproof plan of 10x more income than what you get with usual PPC.

Custom Mobile App

Charged at Rs. 000 per page inside the application.

OBS Broadcasting and Live Sessions

The rise of live video is already apparent with products like FB Live, and OBS Broadcasting, but we think Pakistani Social Media will see a much broader approach to live video content that is built for live platforms (aside from the simulcasting that we saw so much of that in 2019). We think we will see deeper integration with one-touch purchasing. We have already seen a shift in social media from a one-to-many to a 1-to-1 communication medium, and we think in 2023 we will see an even greater increase in online communities and how they are creating and engaging with content and communications.

And now comes the juice!!!

I can already help you with very rare opportunities like the creation of Snapchat filters, posting WhatsApp Bulk SMS, and sending of Email/WhatsApp using Excel and VBA. I can help you convert PSD into HTML into WordPress or change MATLAB code into .exe desktop software. I can help you with LinkedIn professional lead generation.

Off-page (off-site) SEO covers all activities you’ll do to boost the web site SEO authority by obtaining backlinks from alternative websites.

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