In the 18th and 19th centuries, Spain and Morocco entered into a period of relative peace and cooperation, with Spain establishing a number of trading posts and other interests in Morocco. In recent years, the relationship between the two countries has been largely cordial, with both countries being members of the European Union and engaging in trade and other forms of cooperation. Today, Morocco shares a few of the strangest cordoned-off borders with Spain and France which are part of the contention. The seven Castles in the Portugal flag represent the Islamic Forts that Portugal recovered by defeating 5 Emporers depicted in the Flag.
Today, the match was a face-off between Morocco (whose players are seen to be spiritually immersed in Islam with their substitution time prayers upon entering the ground, their flaunting of the Palestinian flag, and their prostration on their victory) and a racist Islamophobic French team that disappointed Fifa Fans with their sloganeering for LGBTQ+ in their match against Japan. Also, the caricatures and blasphemy of the holy Quran are conducted in France frequently in the name of freedom of speech.