
Unveiling the Dark Secrets of the MISSING TITANIC SUBMARINE

The story of the Titanic is one that has captured the imagination of people around the world. The tragic sinking of this magnificent ship in 1912 has been the subject of numerous books, movies, and documentaries. Over the years, many expeditions have been undertaken to explore the wreckage of the Titanic and uncover its secrets. Recently, there have been reports of a missing submarine that was believed to have discovered new evidence about the ship’s final moments. In this article, we will delve into the details of the missing Titanic sub, the experts involved, and the friends of passengers who embarked on this extraordinary journey.

The Mysterious Disappearance of OceanGate’s Titan Submarine

As the enigma of the OceanGate submarine called Titan unfolds, the perplexing nature of this incident leaves my mind astounded. Let me provide you with a concise overview, driven by my unwavering obsession after scouring through a staggering 845 articles with “Multiple Experts” & friends of the passengers.

The Missing Submarine

In the quest to unravel the mysteries of the Titanic, a group of explorers set out on a daring mission. They embarked on a submarine expedition to the depths of the ocean where the Titanic lies. The submarine was equipped with state-of-the-art technology and manned by a team of experienced divers and researchers. Their mission was to explore the wreckage and document any new findings that could shed light on the events leading up to the sinking.

The Fatal Journey

Embarking on this treacherous expedition demands a modest sum of $250,000 per person. The submarine accommodated a total of 5 individuals, including its creator, Stockton Rush. Their ultimate objective was to plunge to a breathtaking depth of 3,800 meters, to behold the rusty remnants of the iconic Titanic structure. Notably, no other submarine possesses the capability to reach such profound depths—an eerie red flag in itself.

On that fateful Sunday, a mere hour and 45 minutes into the expedition, all communication abruptly ceased. Astonishingly, till this very day—Thursday—their whereabouts remain unknown, despite the immediate commencement of a rescue operation after losing contact with Stockton Rush.

The Experts

The missing Titanic sub was operated by an expert (the CEO of the Submarine company) who dedicated his life to the study of maritime history and underwater exploration. He possessed a deep passion for unraveling the mysteries of the Titanic and bringing the truth to light. His expertise in various fields, such as archaeology, marine biology, and engineering, made him well-equipped to handle the challenges of the mission.


Accompanying the expert on this expedition were a group of passenger friends who shared a common interest in the Titanic. These individuals were not experts themselves, but they had a personal connection to the ship and a deep fascination with its history. Some of them were descendants of Titanic survivors, while others were simply avid enthusiasts like Shahzada Dawood Vice Chairman of Engro and his son. Their presence on the submarine added a unique perspective to the mission and demonstrated the widespread impact of the Titanic’s legacy. Last moment, a copilot had withdrawn from the journey as it embarks on a document signing devoiding of legal ramifications in case of death.

What The Extraordinary Journey Brought Them

The journey of the missing Titanic sub was fraught with challenges and unexpected turns. As it descended into the depths of the ocean, the team may have encountered treacherous underwater currents, limited visibility, and technical difficulties. However, their determination and perseverance would have driven them forward. May they have at least navigated through the debris field surrounding the wreckage and explored the remnants of the once-grand ship. If they were successful, every discovery they made brought them closer to understanding the events of that fateful night and theirs.

Unanswered Questions and Startling Revelations

Should the crew and the creator survive this ordeal, a myriad of inquiries beckons:

  1. Unconventional Controls: Astonishingly, the submarine was manipulated using a Logitech gaming controller, akin to that of a PlayStation—yet another unsettling red flag.
  2. Safety Oversight: Alarming reports unveil the absence of any regulatory authority entrusted with verifying and approving the submarine’s safety. When someone dared to question this critical matter, they were swiftly terminated.
  3. Puzzling Motivations: Who, in their right mind, would invest a staggering $250,000 (7 Crore PKR) to catch a glimpse of a shipwreck that met its fate in 1912? A mere documentary on YouTube offers an identical experience. Why indulge in such extravagance?
  4. Lacking GPS: In a world where AirTag, a tracking device, costs a mere 35 euros, why wasn’t a similar technology integrated into the submersible? Was this an oversight that could have been easily rectified?

A Grim Existence

If the unfortunate passengers still endure the depths of the ocean, their grim reality is shrouded in darkness, scarce oxygen, and a milieu of repugnant odors like vomit and urine. Some may have succumbed to unconsciousness, delirium, and the haunting echoes of the submarine’s creaking, resulting from its movement and collisions with other objects. Within the cramped confines, muscle pain and respiratory distress likely plague their tortured bodies. Perhaps, in their desperation, they have turned against the creator, launching an attack. Undoubtedly, their harrowing plight continues.

Unveiling the Horrifying Scenarios

Only an elite few millionaires would fathom spending such exorbitant sums to meet their demise in this gruesome fashion. Allow me to present the conclusions drawn from an exhaustive 8-hour discussion by Mario Nawfal and an assemblage of experts and acquaintances associated with the ill-fated Titanic submersible:

  1. Scenario of Implosion: The most plausible theory suggests that the submersible’s hull succumbed to the fragility of its carbon fiber material, resulting in the instantaneous demise of all five passengers.
  2. Mechanical Failure and Desperate Measures: Alternatively, the submersible might have encountered a mechanical breakdown, leading them to manually release the ballast tanks and ascend. In this hypothetical scenario, they would presently find themselves adrift atop the water’s surface. However, the absence of any sightings, even days later, casts doubt upon this explanation, despite their possession of signal-emitting equipment.
  3. A Reckless CEO and the Toll of Negligence: The CEO of OceanGate, also serving as the pilot, emerges as a risk-taker inclined to cutting corners, likely driven by financial gains. Ex-employees, past interviews, and independent sources consistently paint a picture of a company that prioritized frugality over safety—an issue that the CEO failed to address earnestly. Consequently, the submersible’s compromised quality could be the catalyst behind the implosion or mechanical failure.
  4. A Desperate Struggle at Titanic’s Depths: Although less probable based on the available evidence, the haunting possibility remains that they are currently trapped amidst the wreckage of the Titanic or in its vicinity, resting on the seabed. In this grim scenario, locating and rescuing them would demand precious hours, leaving them with a near-zero chance of survival. These unimaginable circumstances entail enduring freezing temperatures, potentially resulting in a tragic demise by suffocation or freezing. It is my fervent hope that this scenario remains nothing more than a remote possibility, given that among the passengers are a father and a son.

The Weight of Accountability

In light of the reported lack of quality control and alleged deceit within the company’s website, if accurate, OceanGate should be held accountable through legal action. Sadly, the passengers’ fate appears increasingly bleak, leaving little room for optimism or the prospect of enduring days of suffering.


The missing Titanic sub and the expedition it undertook represent a remarkable chapter in the ongoing exploration of the Titanic’s legacy. The dedication of the experts and the shared passion of the passengers demonstrate the enduring fascination with this tragic event. Through their efforts, we could have continued to uncover new details about the Titanic and honor the memories of those who lost their lives aboard the ill-fated ship. Until they were lost.


  1. Q: How deep is the Titanic wreckage located? A: The Titanic wreckage is located approximately 12,500 feet below the surface of the ocean.
  2. Q: Were any artifacts recovered from the missing Titanic sub? A: Yes, a team sent earlier was able to recover several artifacts from the wreckage, including personal belongings of the passengers.
  3. Q: What kind of technology was used in the missing Titanic sub? A: The submarine was equipped with advanced sonar systems and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for underwater exploration. Or was adequate enough? It literally used Game Console like Joystick.
  4. Q: How long did the expedition to find the missing Titanic sub last? A: The expedition lasted for One hour and forty minutes, with the team spending extended periods at sea in search of the sub.
  5. Q: Is there any hope of finding the missing Titanic sub in the future? A: While the search for the missing sub continues, the challenges of exploring the deep ocean make it a complex and ongoing endeavor.

Allow me to conclude by expressing my sincere desire that my concerns prove unfounded, and the passengers emerge from this ordeal alive and well. Remember, the opinions shared here belong not to me but to a panel of experts who actively participated in Mario Nawfal’s enlightening 8-hour Twitter space. I have merely condensed their invaluable insights for your perusal.

Now, I turn to you: What are your thoughts on the harrowing disappearance of the submarine?

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